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Complaint Issued Against Voith for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices
Feb 07, 2014
Complaint Issued Against Voith for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a formal complaint against Voith Industrial Services alleging the company committed unfair labor practices when it retaliated against two employees for engaging in “concerted’ activity.  These employees had testified in the ongoing case against Voith and the UAW and had assisted Local 89 throughout the year long struggle against the two adverse parties.  The complaint alleges both workers were illegally discharged as reprisal for this activity. 

As stated in the Complaint, Voith “has been interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the [National Labor Relations Act] in violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the Act”.  The suggested remedy contained in the Complaint would require Voith to reinstate the two employees with full back-pay. 

Local 89 recently gave a “position statement” to the Regional Director of NLRB Region 9 requesting the two employees be reinstated though a 10(j) injunction under the National Labor Relations Act.  A 10(j) injunction would require Voith to immediately return the two affected employees to their respective jobs. It is the Union’s position that the evidence lends itself to the immediate reinstatement of the two affected employees as this situation moves toward resolution by the Board.  Let’s all keep these Teamsters in our thoughts and prayers and hope for the quick return of these wronged members.

Please read the NLRB complaint in full here.

Teamsters Local 89
3813 Taylor Blvd
Louisville, KY 40215

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