May 2nd, 2024 – We are proud to announce that Teamsters Local 89 Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Cooper assumed the duties of President for Joint Council 94 (JC94) yesterday following the retirement of Local 783’s John Stovall, who has led JC94 since 2022.
Known colloquially as “Coupe” to most, Cooper was raised in a union home and has a long Teamsters history at Local 89. He became a member of our union in 1990 when he began working at Jeffboat where he served as a steward and in 2000, he became a Business Agent for Local 89. Coupe is well known as an aggressive and successful negotiator, helping members win strong contracts through militant action and successful strikes. In addition to his roles as JC94 President and Local 89 Secretary-Treasurer, Cooper also serves as the Assistant Director of the International’s Building Material and Construction Trade Division, as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Kentucky State Building and Constructions Trades, and as a Business Agent for Local 89.
“As a third generation Teamster it’s an absolute honor to serve as the new President for Joint Council 94 and I’m looking forward to working closely with all our Local Unions to increase Teamsters strength in our region,” said Cooper. “I also want to thank John Stovall for his years of service to JC94 and his own Local 783, and I wish him nothing but the best in his well-deserved retirement.”
The Joint Council 94 Executive Board saw several other position changes in addition to Cooper’s move into the Presidency. Local 2727’s Tim Boyle will now serve as the new Secretary-Treasurer, 215’s Chuck Whobrey will continue to serve as Vice President, Local 175’s Luke Farley will now serve as the new Recording-Secretary, Local 236’s Patty Grimm and Local 697’s Rick Bauer will continue serving as Trustees, and Local 783’s Justin Scharrer joins the board as the newest Trustee.
Joint Council 94 covers approximately 30,000 Teamsters in Kentucky, Southern Indiana, and part of West Virginia, and consists of Locals 89, 175, 215, 236, 651, 697, 783 and 2727.